Monday, February 21, 2011

Chapter 29- The End

   John had written a fair well collom in the news paper about Marley, his life and His antics. The next morning when he arrived at work his voicemail and email were both full of condolences, and well wishing about Marley. Apparently to John and Jenny's surprise they were not the only one this had happen to and Marley would be one of many house hold animals that would change the lives of family's.

Chapter 28

   John awakes early the next morning to begin digging Marley's grave on the family property. Where the two nearly missed the tree the winter before on their wild toboggan ride would be the final resting place for Marley. The kids all come out to say their good bys, and the Grogans realize how much the dog affected their lives, and how much they were going to miss him.

Chapter 27

   In chapter 27 the worst is realized, the condition that nearly killed Marley last time is reoccurring. The local vet trys everything she can to help save him, but to no avail. John makes the heart breaking decision to put Marley to sleep.

Chapter 26

   After Marley's close call with death it is clear to the family that he is living on borrowed time. He is failing and he is only getting worse.

Chapter 25

   Now that school was out Jenny and the kids head up to Boston to go visits family, and John boards marley at a local kennel while he travels to do some research for the Philadelphia Inquirer. While boarded at the kennel Marley's stomach bloats and twists, the Dr. their is able to save him but he had a very close call with death.

Chapter 24

    In chapter 24 John and Jenny begin to realize the mortality of Marley. They have watched him grow old, gray and def, and he is no longer able to make long walks or climb the steps. He is also no longer able to handle the snow and its challenges.

Chapter 23

   In chapter 23 John thinks it would be a good idea to have some chickens around, only for meat, eggs, and for the purpose of farm animals. However the kids and Jenny name them, and they are no longer animals, they have become pets. Marley, who is aging becomes def and begins not noticing when people are home when he is doing his usual antics around the house.